Floodgate (Geyser) 1.4 的基岩播放器管理

Floodgate (Geyser) 1.4 的基岩播放器管理

原生 Minecraft 版本:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19

提供新更新(包括 Floodgate 2.0 支持):
如果从低于 1.4 的版本升级,将生成一个新config.yml,并将重命名旧(重命名为 [date]_[time]_old.config.yml)。您需要手动接管配置选项。之后,您可以删除旧的配置文件并启动Minecraft服务器。


ofunnys BedrockPlayerManager

这个插件是很棒的 GeyserMC 的扩展。间歇泉基本上允许基岩玩家加入任何 Minecraft Java 服务器。BedrockPlayerManager 依赖于 Floodgate API,这是 GeyserMC
使用此插件,您可以在玩家加入服务器网络时执行自定义命令,具体取决于玩家的客户端。您可以独立为 Java、Bedrock 或所有玩家发出命令。

还支持权限插件 Luckperms 和 Vault,如果 Bedrock / Java 玩家加入服务器,会根据玩家的客户端添加/删除一个特殊的 Bedrock 权限组。

在 ofunny.world
上玩 在我们的 Minecraft 服务器上查看此插件的运行情况。
只需连接到 play.ofunny.world

Java 或 Bedrock 客户端即可。
(更多信息请 ofunny.world 或通过 Discord)


  • 适用于 Geyser/Floodgate 单服务器安装。
  • 适用于间歇泉/Floodgate 蹦极/瀑布网络
  • 与间歇泉独立设置配合使用
  • 支持 Java、Bedrock 或所有玩家的自定义加入命令。
  • 支持 Luckperms 和 Vault,为基岩玩家添加自定义权限组。

上次更新到 1.4 时添加

  1. 支持 Floodgate 1.x 和 2.x(自动检测或手动检测)
  2. 新的 reload 命令,用于动态更改插件配置(无需重新启动)
  3. 为所有命令添加了占位符 API 支持(包括用于打开/关闭它的配置选项)
  4. 为玩家 UUID 添加了一个额外的标准占位符
  5. 退出命令模块(如果玩家离开,则执行命令)
  6. 现在可以对联接命令和权限分配进行单独的执行延迟。

随 1.3 的更新一起添加

  1. Minecraft 服务器 1.8.8、1.9.x、1.10.x、1.11.x、1.12.x、1.13.x、1.14.x 和 1.15.x 已实现向后兼容性(Geyser 依赖于 VivaVersion 用于 1.16 之前的任何服务器,不要忘记安装它,否则 BE 客户端无法连接)。
  2. 权限模块中添加了完整的 Vault 支持,因此可以使用 Vault API 支持的所有权限插件。例如:权限 3、bPermissions、PEX、GroupManager、PermissionsBukkit、zPermission、SimplyPerms、Privileges、DroxPerms、xPerms – 有关更多信息,请访问保险柜资源页面。
  3. 保险柜权限可以按世界或全局应用。
  4. 所有玩家的命令执行(加入时)现在可以在单人模式下执行。Floodgate 现在是一种软依赖。如果“commands.java.enabled”、“commands.bedrock.enabled”和“permissions.enabled”已停用并带有“false”,则可以在没有 Floodgate 的情况下对所有玩家执行命令。

Usecase eamples

  • Add custom pre- or suffixes to Bedrock or Java players. For example via Luckperms prefix.
  • Bypass anti cheat checks for Bedrock players. Most anti cheat plugins allow bypassing checks via permissions.
  • Allow or deny features, commands, game types or worlds based on the client type.
  • Give items on start or move Bedrock players to another spawn.
  • You can do litterly anything by using custom commands or assigning permissions based on the client type of a player.

Visit my ofunny.world for more information: https://ofunny.world/bedrock-player-manager/#howto

Reload command
You can use the “/bpm reload” command to update your configuration on the fly (without restart). You will need the “bedrockplayermanager.reload” permission to execute this command as player.

By enabling the permission module you can automatically assign a group for Bedrock players on join. The group will be automatically removed for Java players. No other group assignments get touched. So already existing parent groups stay the same and no permission or rank system will get corrupted.

If you want to overwrite permission in Luckperms with the assigned Bedrock group or if you want to display a pre- or suffix, just set the groups weight higher than the weight of any other permission group on your server. Look at the link for more information about Luckperms group weight.

First join after server start
Each module will be only initialized when necessary. This means that the command and permission module will be initialized once (if enabled) when the first player joins the server after starting. With Luckperms in particular, this can lead to a one-time “lag spike” warning via the Essentials plugin.
This is nothing to worry about. It has no impact on ongoing operations.

Additional support
Discord: https://discord.ofunny.world in the channel #bedrockplayermanager

Config example

Code (YAML):
### ofunnys BedrockPlayerManager for Floodgate ###
# Command modul.
# This module executes commands as a server (console) or as a player (for Java, Bedrock or all clients) when a player joins the server.
# Keep in mind: you should not use the command module to assign groups via Luckperms or any Vault compatible plugins. Use the permission module instead.
# All server and player commands support placeholders. Therfore you can use the build in placeholders {player} and {uuid} or
# any placeholder supported by the PlaceholderApi if installed and activated (see https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/ for more information).
# The placeholder {player} will be replaced with the joining players name.
# The placerholder {uuid} will be replaced with the joining players UUID.
# PlaceholderApi placeholder like %luckperms_primary_group_name% will also be replaced (if installed and activated correctly)
# One command per line or {} if empty – for example:
# server:
#   – give {player} stone 1
# player:
#   – say hi {player}
#   – say How are you today. My UUID is {uuid}, my primary group is %luckperms_primary_group_name%!
     # If true -> the following commands will be executed when a java player joins.
      enabled: false
      # Execute commands as server/console.
      server: {}
      # Execute commands as the joining player.
      player: {}
     # If true -> the following commands will be executed when a bedrock player joins.
      enabled: false
      # Execute commands as server/console.
      server: {}
      # Execute commands as the joining player.
      player: {}
     # If true -> the following commands will be executed for all player joins unrelated to the client
      enabled: false
      # Execute commands as server/console.
      server: {}
      # Execute commands as the joining player.
      player: {}
   # This plugin is listening on the PlayerJoinEvent what gets triggered when a player joins a server.
   # Basic commands can normally be applied directly without delay. Some commands (like teleports)
   # have to be processed after the player has finally joined, therefore I give you the option to delay the execution
   # in server ticks. If 0 delay causes proplems with some commands you can set it to 1 or 2 ticks for example.
   execution_delay: 1
# This module executes commands as a server (console) or as a player (for Java, Bedrock or all clients) when a player leaves the server.
# (Same possibilities as joincommands above but the “execution_delay” has no effect on “quit_commands”!)
     # If true -> the following commands will be executed when a java player quits.
      enabled: false
      # Execute commands as server/console.
      server: {}
      # Execute commands as the joining player.
      player: {}
     # If true -> the following commands will be executed when a bedrock player quits.
      enabled: false
      # Execute commands as server/console.
      server: {}
      # Execute commands as the joining player.
      player: {}
     # If true -> the following commands will be executed for all player quits unrelated to the client
      enabled: false
      # Execute commands as server/console.
      server: {}
      # Execute commands as the joining player.
      player: {}
# Permission modul.
# This module will add a defined permission group to a user whenever this user joins via a Bedrock client. It will also remove that
# group again from the given user whenever the user joins via a Java client. It will only work with supported permission plugins
# (see the options below) and it is the recommended way to add/remove such groups!
# (You can still use the command module above for any unsupported permission plugins and apply perms/groups via commands).
  # If true, the following permission group will be added / removed depending on the clients version (Bedrock / Java) when a player joins.
   enabled: false
   # Supported permission plugins.
   # Choose:
   # plugin: “luckperms” if you use Luckperms or
   # plugin: “vault” for Vault compatible permission plugins like Permissions 3, bPermissions, PEX, GroupManager,
   #                                                              PermissionsBukkit, zPermission, SimplyPerms, Privileges, DroxPerms, xPerms
   plugin: “luckperms”
   # Vault specific settings
   # Leave the following option set to “false” if your permission plugin supports global groups (recommended if available).
   # Check carefully that your plugin really supports global groups and use them if available.
   # >> In case of ‘Luckperms’ this option has no effect, it will always use global groups. <<
     # If your permission plugin supports “per world” permission groups only, activate “per_world_permissions” by setting it to true.
      per_world_permissions: false
      # You can define a list of worlds in which the groups will be apllied or leave it empty for all worlds on your server (Vault only).
      # WARNING: the following ‘bedrock_group_name’ must exist as permission group for each defined world otherwise
      # you might get an error each time the plugin trys to set or remove this group. So create it in your permission plugin first!
      worlds: {}
   # The permission group to add for bedrock users or to remove for java users.
   # If a user joins via Floodgate, the group gets applied otherwise removed (if previously inherited by the joining user).
   # Make sure to add the group in your permission plugin first!
   bedrock_group_name: “bedrock_user”
   # This plugin is listening on the PlayerJoinEvent what gets triggered when a player joins a server.
   # Normally there shouldn’t be no reason to delay permission group assignments – this is more relevant for join commands.
   # However, if 0 delay causes proplems with some permission plugin you can set it to 1 or 2 ticks for example.
   execution_delay: 0
  # Activates the PlaceholderAPI support for all command strings above (the PlaceholderAPI plugin has to be installed correctly to use this feature)!
   # (see https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/ for more information).
   PlaceholderAPI: true
   # Activate advanced debug messages.
   # Only recommended while testing. It will spam your servers console with a lot of debug messages 🙂
   debug: false
# Please note: changes to the development options will always require a server restart.
# (The plugin reload command will update the values but they won’t have any effect until the next restart).
  # What Floodgate version are you using? Currently supported values: auto, 1 or 2
   # “auto” for automated detection, “1” for Floodgate v1.x and “2” for Floodgate v2.x
   floodgate_version: “auto”
   # Names of the softdepend plugins (for the internal availability check).
   # Only change that if you know what you are doing. Normal plugin user may never need to change that at all!
   Floodgate_v1_PluginName: “floodgate-bukkit”
   Floodgate_v2_PluginName: “floodgate”
   LuckPermsPluginName: “LuckPerms”
   VaultPluginName: “Vault”
   PlaceholderAPIPluginName: “PlaceholderAPI”
# Do not touch the following lines!
version: 1.4


这是一个新插件。如果您发现任何错误,请在 https://github.com/ofunny/BedrockPlayerManager/issues 上报告或访问上面的 Discord 链接。





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